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At some point, almost every boy is into Pokemon so its no surprise that along the way we had a Pokemon-themed party. I didn't need to do much for decor since we held it at Stars and Strikes. They offer a ton of different birthday packages, but we went with a bowling + arcade combo. Given there wasn't much I needed to do, and that a snow storm started during the party, I don't have pictures so I'll give an overview below.

Pokemon Basics

For this Pokemon party, I got a few items from Party City. Normally I balance with a solid color tablecloth, but given the setup did these Pokemon tablecloths at high tables behind the bowling lanes. I then had Pokemon plates for lunch and dessert, and balloons on display.

Pokemon Cupcakes

As usual, Pum's Sweets made amazing cupcakes for the party. Half were Pikachu and the other half were Pokemon balls. Very straightforward yet they turned out fantastic! Not to mention they were absolutely delicious!!

Readers as Favors

I wanted to do something different for favors, and ended up getting Pokemon Readers from Amazon which were a hit:

Contest for the Crown

The Rescue Mission

Go, Popplio!

Welcome to Alola!

Pikachu in Love

Team Rocket to the Rescue!