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My Little Pony

As you may have read on my Spirit page, my daughter is obsessed with horses. This obsession has continued, and for her fifth birthday we decided on a My Little Pony theme. I wanted to look for a cute location, and came across Raisin's Ranch in Alpharetta. They were great to work with, and the party was perfect. From hand led pony rides to decorating mini horses, my daughter was in heaven!

I had to do very little decorating, as the barn itself served as a great backdrop, and it already has cute decorations throughout. I bought these balloons and took them to Party City to get them filled. For her party dress, I found the cutest My Little Pony dress on Amazon. They don't have the exact pattern anymore, but here is a similar version. For party favors I got these cute bags and filled them with a ton of goodies: grab and go play packs, PEZ dispensers, pencils, stickers, bubbles and notepads. The cookies and cupcakes were done by Pum's Sweets. Everything pulled together perfectly, and the birthday girl had a blast.