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And cue the girl birthday themes! When my daughter was turning one, she LOVED butterflies, or "buh-fly" as she called them at the time. Given she is a summer birthday, it was a perfect theme for her first birthday party!

I still can't get over how cute the invitation turned out. I had been searching for all things butterflies and came across an arts and crafts project using your child's feet to make the wings of the butterfly.

I bought an ink pad and used white paper to get her footprints, putting her feet on opposite sides to make the wings. From there, I scanned in the image so I could recolor her toes to add a cute dimension. Finally, I drew in the body, head and antennae. It honestly turned out WAY cuter than I thought was possible!!

I kept the decor fairly simple, with a happy birthday banner, "one" banner for her highchair, and some flowers since butterflies love flowers. Her cake was a work of art from Pum's Sweets, and the best part is that it was dairy-free since she had a dairy sensitivity at that age. Such a fun and easy party!